Saturday, October 11, 2008

Franchise Loans to Finance That New Personal Project

You have found a franchise you would like to join but you need some starting capital to become that entrepreneur. Therefore, you think about financing all the costs of starting up your own franchise business with a loan and you wonder: are there franchise loans? The answer to that question is fortunately YES!. There are lenders associated with franchisers that can provide all the funds needed to start up your business.

However, franchise loans are not just personal loans you can obtain with little hassles. The requirements for approval are more complex because the amounts involved tend to be significantly higher. Therefore you will need to show proof of several facts and meet different requirements to demonstrate that you are fitting and reliable. Only then a lender will provide the funds to finance a project that, apart from the borrower, has risks of its own.

Who Provides Franchise Loans?

Franchise loans are available for many different types of businesses. As regards to the lenders that provide these loans, prime lenders that deal with commercial and business loans usually offer franchise loans among their financial products. Also, there are local lenders that provide this kind of financial assistance. And finally, the very companies offering to sell franchises may be associated with a lender or have a financial institution of their own that provides financing for their projects.

Tips for Starting up

A good franchise record will make financing a more attractive investment for the lender. Therefore, choosing a well established business with products that have been proved to be marketable and appealing to customers is the most important presentation card you can offer. With your application you should include as much documentation as possible regarding the franchise you are planning to purchase with the loan.

Also, it is important to prepare information about your business. You need to think about logistics, prepare your financial statements, stock and inventory, etc. All this information needs to be clear and free from obscurities. The lender needs to see your franchise project and know that you will be making enough money out of it so you can repay the loan without hassles.

Where To Find Opportunities on Franchises And Financing

If you have not decided yet which kind of business plan you are going to undertake, and even if you do but you still do not have the financing for starting up and need to find a lender, the place to go to find the information and contact details to get started is the internet. There are many online sites offering tons of data about different franchises and even reviews by those who purchased a franchise or forums where ideas for optimizing the businesses are shared.

As regards to the lenders, if the franchise does not offer financing too or the franchiser is not associated with a particular financial institution, you will need to resort to either traditional lenders, banks or financial institutions you are familiar with or do some research. Again, for that purpose, the internet will come in handy. There are many online lenders offering promotions on franchise loans and they can provide you with any additional information and forms you will need to fill either online or offline in order to effectively apply for your franchise loan.

Hilary Bowman is the author of this article. She works successfully as a financial advisor with years of expertise on Unsecured Personal Loans. Hilary publishes informative articles about home loans, credit cards, auto loans, bad credit loans, business loans and others at

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